Goldman Sachs Coding Round Questions And Answer !

1. Write a program to input a set of words and group the anagrams together.

Sample inputs

Sample input-1

Enter the number of words :
6 Enter a word : bat
Enter a word : design
Enter a word : toc
Enter a word : signed
Enter a word : cot
Enter a word : tab

Sample output-1

The grouper anagrams are :
[‘bat’, ‘tab’]
[‘design’, ‘signed’]
[‘toc’, ‘cot’]

Sample input-2

Enter the number of words : 8
Enter a word : beak
Enter a word : letter
Enter a word : bake
Enter a word : leg
Enter a word : yam
Enter a word : may
Enter a word : gel
Enter a word : eat

Sample output-2

The grouper anagrams are :
[‘beak’, ‘bake’]
[‘leg’, ‘gel’]


def group_anagrams_together(words):
    arr = [''.join(sorted(word)) for word in words] 
    dict = {}
    for i, e in enumerate(arr):
        dict.setdefault(e,  []).append(i)
    for index in dict.values():
        print([words[i] for i in index])
words = []
n=int(input("Enter the number of words : ")) 
for i in range(n):
    ele=input("Enter a word : ") 
print("The grouper anagrams are : ") 

2. Write a program to input an array of integers from the user and print the sorted array using counting sort.

Sample input-1

Enter the length of array : 3
Enter the element : 9
Enter the element : 0
Enter the element : 3

Sample output-1

Array sorted by counting sort is : [0, 3, 9]

Sample input-2

Enter the length of array :6
Enter the element : 7
Enter the element : 3
Enter the element : 8
Enter the element : 1
Enter the element : 0
Enter the element : 2

Sample output-2

Array sorted by counting sort is : [0, 1, 2, 3, 7, 8]


# Counting sort in Python programming

def countingSort(array):
    size = len(array)
    output = [0] * size

    # Initialize count array
    count = [0] * 10

    # Store the count of each elements in count array
    for i in range(0, size):
        count[array[i]] += 1

    # Store the cummulative count
    for i in range(1, 10):
        count[i] += count[i - 1]

    # Find the index of each element of the original array in count array
    # place the elements in output array
    i = size - 1
    while i >= 0:
        output[count[array[i]] - 1] = array[i]
        count[array[i]] -= 1
        i -= 1

    # Copy the sorted elements into original array
    for i in range(0, size):
        array[i] = output[i]

l=int(input("Enter the length of Array: "))
for i in range(l):
    arr.append(int(input("Enter the Element: ")))
print("Sorted Array in Ascending Order: ")

3. Write program to return the possible number of squares in a 8*8 chessboard.


The actual number of squares = 8*8 = 64.

But there are many more different sized squares. Number of 1*1 squares= 8*8=64

Number of 2*2 squares= 7*7=49 Number of 3*3 squares= 6*6=36 Number of 4*4 squares= 5*5=25 Number of 5*5 squares= 4*4=16 Number of 6*6 squares= 3*3=9 Number of 7*7 squares= 2*2=4 Number of 8*8 squares= 1*1=1 Hence total number of square are 64+49+36+25+16+9=204


def squares_in_chessboard(grid):
    return int((grid*(grid+1)/2)*(2*grid+1)/3)
print("Number of Square in 8*8 chessboard: ",squares_in_chessboard(grid))

4. Write a program to input an integer ā€˜Nā€™ and return the N-th ugly number.


Ugly numbers are the numbers whose prime factors are 2, 3 or 5.

For example ugly numbers from 1 to 15, there are 11 ugly numbers 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6,

8, 9, 10, 12, 15.


Sample input-1

Enter the N-th value : 11


Sample input-2

Enter the N-th value : 40



def ugly_number(n): 
    a = [0] * n
    a[0] = 1
    i2 = i3 =i5 = 0
    multiple2 = 2
    multiple3 = 3
    multiple5 = 5
    for l in range(1, n):
        a[l] = min(multiple2, multiple3, multiple5) 
        if a[l] == multiple2:
            i2 += 1
            multiple2 = a[i2] * 2

        if a[l] == multiple3: 
            i3 += 1
            multiple3 = a[i3] * 3
        if a[l] == multiple5: 
            i5 += 1
            multiple5 = a[i5] * 5 
    return a[-1]
n = int(input("Enter the N-th value : "))

5. Compute average of two numbers without overflow

Given two numbers, a and b. Compute the average of the two numbers. The well know formula (a + b) / 2 may fail at the following case :

If, a = b = (2^31) ā€“ 1;
i.e. INT_MAX.

Now, (a+b) will cause overflow and hence formula (a + b) / 2 wont work



# Function to compute average of two numbers 
def compute_average(a,b):
    return (a // 2) + (b // 2) + ((a % 2 + b % 2) // 2)

# Assigning maximum integer value 

# Average of two equal
# numbers is the same number
print( "Actual average : ",INT_MAX)

# Function to get the
# average of 2 numbers
print( "Computed average : ", compute_average(a, b))

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